How to fix Jio voice not working on 4g lite. In case you are not able to make voice calls using Reliance Jio Sim card. You will have to follow the steps in the below it will activate your voice calling.
Fix Jio 4G voice app not working Jio4GVoice Offline Problem
You can activate voice calling on Reliance Jio 4G by simply following this is steps. This is a simple way to activate Jio4Gvoice app on your android mobile phone you will have to use your 4GVoice Jio Sim card into the slot.
Download Jio 4G voice APK
Jio 4G Voice Offline / Call Not Connecting Problem Solved 2019
Step 1: 1st of all you have to turn the device off and remove all Sim card. You will have to check that your Reliance Jio Sim is activated. Inside your activated Sim into Sim one slot. turn your device on.
Step 2: After the device turn on check the network if your device is showing no service it’s mean your reliance Jio Sim is not activated. If it is showing network on Reliance Jio Sim is mean your Sim is activated.
Step 3: Now download Jio 4G voice application on and install it into your android mobile phone it will take some configuration to follow the steps after Complete all configuration open Reliance Jio4G application and dial any number it will surely make a call with the Reliance Jio4Gvoice.
Jio4GVoice Offline Issue – How to Solve Not Connecting Problem
In case your device is showing Jio 4G voice off-line that’s mean you will have to install Jio4Gvoice APK Just follow the above instruction it will fix the Jio 4G voice of line issue.
Jio 4G voice app not working.
In case you are facing reliance Jio4Gvoice app not working that’s mean your reliance Jio 4G voice application is outdated please upgrade this application from play store or download above download link.
Trick to Fix Reliance Jio 4G Voice offline Problem
Jio4GVoice Not Working” Issue: Here are 5 Possible Reasons
Why is Jio 4G voice app not working on Android Mobiles
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