Download TextDPC apps for bypass Motorola Device test DPC apk latest can be used for frp lock it is free to download available we have two dpc 3.0.11 apk and test dpc 3.0.8 versions. DCP application give you and then use the latest version of this application.
Download TextDPC apps for bypass Motorola Device

TextDPC serves as both a sample Device Policy Controller and a testing application to flex the APIs Text-DPC is available for Android for Work. Text-DPC supports devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop or later. As of June 8, 2016, it also includes support for devices running API level 24.Moto G4 Plus XT1643 FRP Solution With TestDPC App.
Test dpc 3.0.8 APK download
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Android Factory Reset Protection (FRP) Solution With Test DPC App
Users can set up a work profile, enable work apps, set applications restrictions, manage security policies, and much more. The app also serves as an implementation reference for other DPCs. Feel free to check out the source code at.
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